This article is chilling, reading as an American. Our country is disintegrating before my eyes. I used to believe the worst about Trump, until I woke up. Too many Americans are still asleep, gaslighting themselves about their "cisheteronormative" white guilt.

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I don't think we're disintegrating, but that's what we're SUPPOSED to believe. I think we're going through some very bumpy spots, but we will come out of this. And I think Sweden, will too... We are living through a time like NO OTHER. We must stand up and deal with it, and take care of each other, and bring the LOVE and PEACE, because I do believe that THAT is our job, and our DUTY to Humanity. I think the Globbulists WANT to destroy the world, but WE decide. WE, the People. And we outnumber them HUGELY, VASTLY. xo xo

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I hope, as you say, Sweden comes out of it. It’s still my dream to visit the home of my all-time favorite group, ABBA!!! Growing up in Australia in the 70s and 80s I was OBSSESSED with ABBA!!

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As a real swede, and older than Amir, I can trstify to the truth of his words. Noteworthy is, that what Amir says could result in criminal prosecution and a heavy fine, or even prison - if it was me saying it, and not a darkie (the best idiomatic translation for "svartskalle").

Even using that word is enough for a criminal conviction.

The only solution for Sweden is ethnic cleansing. Ca 1 000 000 or more must be forcibly thrown out.

There is also a very real realisation among those of us who has opposed the genocidal US-EU-led massmigration campaign against the West:

If any nation was to defend itself against the invasion, it would get the Russia-treatment, or if unable to defend itself, it would be treated like Serbia in the 1990s.

By writing this, I'm risking up to two years in prison.

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Not ethnic cleansing: religious cleansing. We need to ban islam. Immigrants like Amir are exactly what we need in europe, they are the only ones who can save us.

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Why do we need them?

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They help us understand the dangers of islam, open our eyes.

And they cannot be accused of being racist from the leftists. We know very well that if a European criticizes islam, she's automatically accused of being racist. We need immigrants like Amir to invalidate such stupid accusations.

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In the current context I agree it’s useful, but if there weren’t loads of immigrants we wouldn’t need an immigrant to criticise the immigrants for us. Bit of a circular reason isn’t it!

I realise we’re likely aligned on this, just venting tbh

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Yeah, but this is the situation today.

Anyway they are also useful to understand the reality of other parts of the world, in particular islamic countries.

A small fraction of good immigrants like Amir can be healthy for a country. The problem is when immigrant are too many or when they have a dangerous culture (islam).

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Anyone with half a brain could just look at those countries and decide you don't want them in your country.

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Bravo Amir!

Very few will ever give voice to the truth, much less the problem.

This post could be applied to almost any Western country out there, that's been captured by the Globalist - "greater good, at all costs" agenda.

Here in America, we're struggling with this same lunacy and liberal ideology, at the expense of our citizenry's prosperity, safety, economic health and national security. I've said that the acuteness of the problem, here in America, is less glaring (compared to smaller European countries) because the poison is more diluted in our larger pitcher - but it is there and doing it's work.

You made many great points, but the one that should stand out to citizens of a given country (native or naturalized) is that when you do not require ANYTHING from immigrants, in order for them to gain citizenship (and all the perks), you damage them, your own society/country/culture and you devalue the very thing you hope to give them - citizenship and all the hope, pride, advantage and opportunity, it holds.

As you pointed out, with no national tie or loyalty, the immigrants look at a host nation from an opportunistic and antagonistic perspective. Like a tic looks at a docile dog. The unchecked feeding and abuse is only stopped, when the tic has had enough, but there will be others to take his place. Welfare never works - as we have well shown in the States, but delude ourselves that it does work, or if it doesn't the tax payer is to blame, for not doing/giving more.

I respectfully disagree with you on the premise that there has to be a compromise. While I understand Sowell's point, in an abusive relationship or situation, compromise is not the answer. We do not compromise with cancer. I liken this issue to the overrunning of a lush, healthy and thriving rain forest by loggers, developers and industrialists. They are not part of the ecosystem there, nor have they lived and thrived there, as the natives have - they only see the treasure to be sucked out of it and will rape and pillage, to harvest them. Why, if there was power to stop them, would one want or need to compromise with them? It is a mistake, to try ad compromise with criminals, abusers and parasites.

Here in the states, if you suggest that our immigration laws and policies are just fine - which they are - you get the obligatory tags of racist, bigot and nazi. When asked why OUR immigration laws are lacking, the answer is routinely that it takes too long to process these poor needy "new Americans" into the country. So, our laws are lacking, because of the needs of those wanting access to the country - whom have no claim on the country, "as yet". And then you get illegal immigrants appearing in front of NYC council demanding "more" and of course, the liberal bureaucrats compromise.

You do not compromise with the opportunistic immigrants who have no intention of assimilating and or adapting to the national culture. And you should never hand out citizenship to anyone who will not enrich your country and it's culture and has proved it, during their journey to citizenship.

Of course the issue we all face now are globalists, in seats of power and influence, as well as oligarchs and plutocrats funneling money into NGOs and non-profits pushing these agendas behind the scenes.

Excellent post - it is an excellent and prescient warning, to every Western country in the throws of this liber/progressive self destruction.

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The best compromise is remigration.

It's time to go back. If millions can leave their homes through the "asylum seeking" scam, now they have to go back.

This whole thing was a major mistake and it has to be corrected.

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Thanks for cross posting this, CtD. The actual Sowell quote uses the term "trade-offs," not compromises. This is a pretty significant difference as you illustrate here.

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Excellent observation Mrs. M. You are correct, it is a significant difference.

I have been asking “when will we reach a the point where people have had enough”. I think we are there, in Europe. America will be the last to follow suit, but we (the commoner class) have started down that path.

The hope is that we clean house, not just of interlopers/illegals, but those who sold the liberal, globalist, self destroying agendas. I have extreme views on this, in that I see them as a cancer on societies as a whole - and we don’t just move cancer cells around the body and let them sit out of the way - we irradiate them, for good and obvious reasons. That would apply to all these agendas and those who pushed them, that have destroyed so much and so many.

I just made this comment in another reply:

The revolution will happen, we have passed the tipping point. There will be a correction(s) of varying degrees, but this (fill in the insane agenda item) will happen again within one generation. It’s a cycle that has been accelerating and shortening over the last 80 to 100 years.

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Hear, hear.

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Thank you for writing this. Every word of this is true. As a Brit who moved to Sweden for family reasons I am heartbroken for both my countries.

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Thank you Amir, for another stunning essay, the premise of which is obvious to us ‘far right racists’ that love our countries.

After 14 years of pathetic Conservative government (there are very few actual conservatives in the parliamentary party), we now have what appears to be a communist government in the UK.

Our situation was already terrible as you well know, but now anybody who tells the truth or dares to speak in support of our once great nation is actually seen as a criminal.

Decent law-abiding citizens are being routinely labelled ‘far right thugs’ by our new PM and Home Secretary, while pro-Hamas marchers are handled with kid gloves. We are in effect being threatened with the full force of the law for being honest and decent.

I bet the civil service, which is a swamp long needing to be drained, is loving all the anti-British rhetoric from this sad excuse of a government elected by so few of our voters.

More power to your pen, Amir!

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Amir, this has taken great courage and clarity of mind to write such an honest first hand account of an immigrant, that too a refugee, of deteriorating conditions in Sweden.

I have traveled regularly to Sweden from about 2008 till just before Covid, and can personally attest to your observations of how once one of the safest country on the planet has become one of the more dangerous ones, that too in a short span of some 4-5 years since 2015! It made me immensely sad, and I am not even Swedish or wanting to stay there.

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Globalism requires.

No borders.

Weak nations.

Rampant crime.

To offer the solution.

Biodigital convergence.

The smart city.

This crime without adequate punishment is necessary for the globalist agenda.

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Indeed. You've said it very well. I do think that is the PLAN.

Here's what I think will be: We will own EVERYTHING and the GLobs will own nothing, and WE will be happy. But that will take time, I imagine. Crazy times...

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I have read much of the same about Sweden and how it has become the “rape capital of Europe.” It’s a shame. People are blinded by their white savior guilt. Why is that?

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Pressure. Fear. Foolishness that comes from unawareness one is being directed...

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Are you blaming this one Jewish woman or all Jews?

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I suggest either a course of therapy or medication for your antisemitism. It's a shift shaping virus - so it may take some experimentation, but I'm sure if you really want to, you can cure yourself of being a disgusting bigot over time.

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Good one!!!

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Long term, systemic, military grade brain washing - it’s been a very successful campaign for the predators, our ‘owners’. Wake up time though cos the velvet gloves are being taken off and the iron fist revealed.

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Sometimes an answer is better than just plunking an URL and expecting people to have the time to watch when you could simply WRITE what you think! Just sayin, not giving you homework, lol.

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Aug 8
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Of "Jews"?? Or of Genocidal MANIACS?

That's a category not only including JEWS.

Note: They're not ALL like these insane Israelis!

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Am Yisrael Chai!! I stand with Israel 🇮🇱🇮🇱💙🇮🇱

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Then you're saying you approve of GENOCIDE?

If that's what you're saying, and RAPE of prisoners is okay, then I don't want to know you or even see your words.

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Amir, I lived briefly in Sweden back in 1992. It was paradise on Earth. It’s a shame Swedes preferred to let their country burn rather than risking being called racist… thanks for your example of love for the country that welcomed you and your family in when you most needed it.

You may find this interesting:


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They should have followed the Polish example. Poland is one of the few who didnt permit this to happen to them, because their lider was strong and had his people's interests first!

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The silence of Sweden and many other eurozone countries is deafening. The US is sure to follow under democratic/progressive delusion.

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We should not feel pity for the Swedes. We should feel contempt. Take for example Amir's tech friend. This is a man that is more than willing to accept rapes, grenade attacks and cultural degradation as a small price to pay to maintain his delusional sense of virtue. They seem to be a nation dominated by preening self congratulatory eunuchs.

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I note with irony that your comment sounds A LOT like the subculture the author identifies as the problem.

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So heartbreaking, and so well-said. I am sad for Sweden, too... And Ireland, and surely other countries for whom this is a reality. I'm American, and so I can relate to this, easily. And in America we have similar problems, but I think most of us just get along and try to be nice to each other... And I think it's easier to do that outside of big cities... This seems almost forced upon us, as what we're used to as certain "cultures" are being morphed into more a "melting pot" kind of thing. Growing pains? Time to get to know each other? The times are very strange indeed, and it shows in our behavior. What will we do? Eventually grow into diversified but friendly factions? Separate slightly and learn to live alongside each other? Sooner or later, we'll have to accept each other... But oh, the pain of estrangeRment... Sweden will be beautiful once more... someday. I send prayers and love.

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I agree entirely but with one, seemingly major but perhaps not, caveat—Do not say Good Bye to your country. Your country is not dead. I don’t think you intend, at all, to stop fighting, and neither do I.

This sickness of self-loathing and destruction is perhaps merely a symptom of a greater disease that erases the individual, such that we must choose broad categories defined for us to associate with, and thus have make no real choices for ourselves at all. This sickness has taken hold across the west, quite strongly in Canada where I am.

It is not a local phenomenon and perhaps the solution, in part, cannot be local either.

Fight for your country, and I will fight for mine, and perhaps we each can help one another in some small way knowing that we are not alone.

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This sickness is across the west indeed

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A most excellent and tragic post. Hits close to home here in the U.S. Honest question, I’m very curious for your opinion on the role average Swedish citizens play in all this? Here in the United States, a majority of citizens in urban cities have been brainwashed/propagandized, whatever you want to call it, by the media, our elite establishment institutions, Academia, Hollywood to embrace these same wholly destructive policies in the name of DEI, CRT, Climate Change, etc. Same situation. It’s as if they’ve willingly abandoned any semblance of critical thinking. They buy into this nonsense hook, line and sinker. Sure the elected officials make or change the laws - but they are put there by the people. Here in America, you go into any major city and you see people and businesses demanding racial equity - proudly displaying rainbow flags and “Immigrants Welcome” signs. Demanding trans rights. Demanding we address climate change and ban or reduce fossil fuels. These citizens are vocal! The schools and neighborhood meetings and online forums are all echo chambers of these platitudes. Meanwhile our cities are sinking lower and lower into crime-filled, dirty, homeless filled ruins. So I ask, what responsibility do citizens hold? Should they not be expected to analyze societal issues critically? And when they do not, when they simply hand over their thoughts and decisions and robotically follow the loudest and most “influential” voices are they not, at least to some degree, complicit in their own demise? This has been my slow and steady realization over the past few years. I have come to place more and more blame (and frustration) on these non-thinking people, than the pawns they put in place to carry out these ill-conceived plans. It seems a great many are grossly ignorant to this fact and continue to be used as pawns to their own - and everyone else’s - detriment.

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This is so heart wrenching.

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So much of this sounds like the US, albeit without most crime being committed by people of Islamic background. To be white in the New AmeriKa you must self-immolate and worship at the altar of white guilt. You can obtain are guest pass by proclaiming allegiance to LGBTQ+ activism. And be willing to go to the back of the line and the back of the proverbial bus.

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